01.06.2024 07:27:40 PRD
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ETHN, Niederstetten





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  Pilot reports from pilots who have been there...
Action Updated From Information about Services, Ground Transportation, Facilities and Local Attractions
21.07.14 Rudolf Rudolf JOHNER
We came from Switzerland last Saturday for easy customs half way to BERLIN. We had filled in the official custom paper on the internet (http://www.flugplatz-niederstetten.de/frame1.htm, then airport operations / Zoll) Someone from the local Sportfluggruppe was in the office on the ground floor of the civil TWR and very happy to have a landing for customs, as they need 50 per year to maintain that service. No custom officer showed up and after a free coffee we took off few minutes later. AVGAS and MOGAS were available. A private company handles a few helicopters and business jets.
The military part handles helicopters, no fighters based there any more.
Category:   Fuelstop   
21.07.14 Rudolf Rudolf JOHNER
We came from Switzerland last Saturday for easy customs half way to BERLIN. We had filled in the official custom paper on the internet (http://www.flugplatz-niederstetten.de/frame1.htm, then airport operations / Zoll) Someone from the local Sportfluggruppe was in the office on the ground floor of the civil TWR and very happy to have a landing for customs, as they need 50 per year to maintain that service. No custom officer showed up and after a free coffee we took off few minutes later. AVGAS and MOGAS were available. A private company handles a few helicopters and business jets.
The military part handles helicopters, no fighters based there any more.
Category:   Fuelstop   
21.07.14 Rudolf Rudolf JOHNER
We came from Switzerland last Saturday for easy customs half way to BERLIN. We had filled in the official custom paper on the internet (http://www.flugplatz-niederstetten.de/frame1.htm, then airport operations / Zoll) Someone from the local Sportfluggruppe was in the office on the ground floor of the civil TWR and very happy to have a landing for customs, as they need 50 per year to maintain that service. No custom officer showed up and after a free coffee we took off few minutes later. AVGAS and MOGAS were available. A private company handles a few helicopters and business jets.
The military part handles helicopters, no fighters based there any more.
Category:   Fuelstop   
31.10.10 Alexander Bubenik
German Army Airfield (Heeresflieger Flugplatz) - usually on weekends the local aeroclub operates the civil part of the aerodrome.
My grade: Excellent airport for General Aviation!    Category:  
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  Fuel and Operating Supply Information
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  Airport Fee Information
Action Updated From Aircraft Class Type Fees Charged Remarks
31.10.10 Alexander Bubenik
Single < 2 to. C182Q landing fee 8,-- € (low noise certificate)
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  Images of this airport
Submitted 21.07.14 by Rudolf Rudolf JOHNER [rudolfjohner]
The civil TWR with office C, toilets, restaurant ( mostly closed) .
Submitted 21.07.14 by Rudolf Rudolf JOHNER [rudolfjohner]
Seen from the West. The civil TWR is just outside the picture on the left at the end of the runway 07.
Submitted 21.07.14 by Rudolf Rudolf JOHNER [rudolfjohner]
Seen from the West. The civil TWR is just outside the picture on the left at the end of the runway 07.
Submitted 21.07.14 by Rudolf Rudolf JOHNER [rudolfjohner]
Seen from the West. The civil TWR is just outside the picture on the left at the end of the runway 07.
Submitted 31.10.10 by Alexander Bubenik [profaxel]
Overpass - heading south east
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